
New tricks...

So, Zach's latest tricks:

- taking a drink of water and letting the last of the water dribble out of his mouth. This is sometimes accompanied by a "raspberry" for full effect.

- climbing up the entertainment center (DADDY!) while holding on to daddy's fingers...they couldn't wait to show me this trick today!

- finding something he is interested in, and when I take him closer to look, hanging on to it for dear life. The other day we spent 15 minutes standing in the kitchen clinging to the hanging fruit basket, occasionally poking the kiwis (fruit, not New Zealanders) living there. Finally, I had to pry him off to save my arm...much screaming ensued (his, not mine).

- "dancing" wildly when his favorite songs come on (like "Philadelphia Chickens" or "The Crab Song" --off of WONDERFUL Sandra Boynton CDs I can't praise enough)...wish I could post video here of this--it's too cute for words.

- of course, the grinding of the teeth.

He cracks me up every day. I'm so glad he's in my life. :)

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