

So...in 10 hours, we will be entering the surgery center for Zach's tubes...and I am feeling very anxious about the whole thing. I know it's a pretty routine thing, and there's really nothing to be worried about, but really, what kind of mother would I be if I didn't worry? A tv sitcom mom, I guess.

In preparation for his surgery, Zachary took his first (hopefully ONLY, but I'm not THAT naive) header off the changing table... Well, ok, the two events are not at all linked, but I had no other way to make the transition. :) Anyway, it was the oh-so-common "I turned for just a moment" event, where I turned back just in time to see him flipping in sssssslllllooooowwwww motion onto the floor. Luckily, he landed pretty much flat on his back, and didn't seem to be injured at all (I think I cried more than he did)...but man, was it scary.

I guess I'm not getting that Mom of the Year award after all.

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