
New tricks, part 3

Here are some of Zachary's latest feats of brilliance:

  • Knowing that keys are used in doorknobs (and wanting to spend extraordinarily long periods of time demonstrating this to me--remember, he is too short to reach the doorknob on his own)
  • Running race cars down the wooden track they came on (I'll try to post a picture of this later, so it makes more sense)
  • Making growling sounds when he plays with the dog character that came with his Duplos
  • Knowing that the crash tops go on the launcher to get started, and handing them to me so I can launch them for him (again, this is kind of a location thing...but trust me, it's brilliant on his part)
  • Mastering light switches of all sorts
  • Standing for extended periods of time without support - sometimes even after he realizes he's doing it!
  • Going up and down stairs appropriately and safely
  • Figuring out how to make Woody play his guitar (see earlier post with pics)
  • Being completely unable to not push every button on the tv and stereo when the entertainment cabinet is open...therefore stopping us from watching ANY tv during the day (thanks, honey...we're enjoying our time together much more without the distraction of Dr. Phil during the day! And I'm not being sarcastic, either)

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