

Last Tuesday (8-26), Zac was helping daddy cut up some
potatoes for dinner (we're such good parents that we
allow our 4 year old to play with sharp implements), using
the pie server. Who would have thunk that the serrated
edge was as sharp as it was?
Now we know that it is fully capable of inflicting pretty serious
damage...serious enough that Zac had to be taken
to Urgent Care for steri-strips (modern equivalent of
stitches) and a splint.
I guess as the mother of two boys, I'd better get used
to the sight of blood, cuz I'm sure there's going to
be more spilled in the future.

Of course, the mashed potatoes we had planned were
scrapped along with the rest of the dinner, so Zac and daddy
brought home Arby's and we had a picnic dinner in the living room.

The culprit


Wendy said...

Awww! I'm glad he's okay. Don't feel too bad - it's not as if you weren't right there with him. That slicer is deceptively sharp!

Dan put his hand on the hot stove last week. Thank goodness it was only for a second.

And Daniel has that same shirt, but without the Cars sticker. :)

Kate said...

Poor critter. He seems to be bearing up manfully!

Jason Haberman said...

Wow... in the running for parents of the year.

Nice going.

Just kidding... that kid only has about 1,473 more injuries to go before he's 18. :-)