
Little Update...

Wow...late October already...where have the last 8 weeks gone?

Things with us are good...Zach has been sick for a month - fevers off and on for days, runny nose, congestion, cough...the works. Took him to the doctor last week, and was told there was nothing wrong with him...but he's had a fever every day since. Hmmmm. Aside from being sick, he's totally amazing.

His vocabulary is exploding - he's using short sentences ("I fall," "Hurt me," "Help me," "I do it," "My turn"), tantrums are less frequent (but when they come, they COME), he has definite opinions about things ("nope"), and is totally into the Halloween (Ha'ween) thing - calling every guy he sees either a "mosh" (monster) or "dude." It's a little embarrassing for me to be in the store with him and having to say, "No honey, that's a dude, not a monster."

Our four-legged friend Lily stayed with us for 3 1/2 weeks, and Zach was in heaven while she was here. She is the most patient, sweet dog ever. She tolerated Zach's climbing all over her, spraying her with the hose, and played fetch with him for hours on end. It was great for both of them. (Calvin and Cleo, on the other hand, weren't so thrilled)

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