
A sad day...

Well, much to my dismay, we are finished nursing.

When I went back to work, pumping was a bit of a hassle and due to my schedule was somewhat inconsistent, so as a result, my supply dropped. And kept dropping, despite my best efforts to keep it up: fenugreek, oatmeal, extra pumping/nursing sessions, plenty of water, plenty of calories, etc.

So, eventually, we dropped back to nursing only in the morning and at nite, and that worked pretty well for a month or so, but not enough to even keep my supply up during those times.

I have such mixed feelings about having to stop nursing...sad because I really wanted to make it to one year, and sad because in some ways it seems as tho Zachary doesn't need me *quite* as much as he once did (I know this will only get truer as time goes by)... But I do feel good that we were able to make it more than nine months--especially given the rough start we had. I wasn't sure we'd make it 9 DAYS at times. And I feel good that Zach is taking formula well, and has been used to taking a bottle some in the evenings for a couple of weeks, so he doesn't seem to be traumatized by not nursing.

It was wonderful while it lasted. And I'm so grateful for the experience.

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