
Another trick

I am amazed on a daily basis by how much Zachary understands what we say and what he hears!! He may have been learning a lot earlier in his life (I know he was), but now that he is demonstrating it daily, it is the most amazing and exciting thing!

One of his latest things is this:

We have a Laurie Berkner CD that we like to listen to, and song number 3 is Zach's favorite. It's a song that talks about a chimpanzee, an elephant, a parakeet and an alien--and without fail, as soon as he hears the first few notes of the song, Zach will blow air thru his pursed lips and make an elephant sound. And when the song talks about the chimpanzee swinging thru the trees, he points to the tree in our living room. AND I DIDN'T TEACH HIM THIS. It blows my mind.

It almost makes up for all the tantrums. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yay Zach!!! What a smart little fellow you are!