
A thousand heartbreaks

Nothing prepared me for the fact that having children opens a person up to a thousand heartbreaks, as well as a thousand joys...but the heartbreaks seem to be so much more lasting (or is it just painful?) than the joys.

Having a challenging child like Zachary, I think the heartbreaks are ten-fold. His temper, the tantrums, his intense disappointment and sadness, these things all hurt me more than I could ever have imagined. And hurt so much because I don't know how to help him with them.

Is there any sound more painful than the sobbing of one's child?


Wendy said...

Heartbreaking is the most right word. Poor little man.

I hope you and he find serenity more than heartbreak.

Stephany said...

This is another part of parenthood.......and you know what it doesn't matter if your child is 3 or 33 if their hearts are broken yours will be too.......I think the best advice I can give is hang on tight to the moments of joy because those moments will help you get through the moments of heartbreak with empathy.....Hang in there........you're a great parent and Zachary KNOWS he is loved.....Gramms

Kristen Mouw said...

I'm sorry. I wish I could make it better for you and the boy. Sure love you and think of you guys all the time though.