Well, we are still alive and well...and my oh my, is this child changing... His vocabulary has totally exploded (I think he's hit that stage where he's picking up 10-15 new words per day), he's using sentences (that are grammatically correct, for the most part), he started potty-training himself and then stopped... It's a wild and wooly ride, and we're all having so much fun.
Blogger has changed the way to upload pictures, and I'm not sure what to do now....but I will check it out and get on the ball...my new year's goal is to update at least weekly....so far, I'm off to a rip-roaring start! But that's how I like it...starting out behind the 8-ball....keeps things challenging.
Thanks to all who faithfully continue to check back, despite the ridiculous lack of...well, ANYTHING. Your loyalty (and smart alec comments) are appreciated!!!
Pictures soon!